3 Ways To Donate:
Please note that Paypal incurs a 3% fee for every donation made using their platform.
2. Vanco
Vanco charges a .40% fee. The link will take you
directly to the donation page.
3. Check (Best Option)
Checks are the best donation option as we receive all of the money! Please make checks payable to:
Our Savior Lutheran PTL
8307 Nottingham Pkwy
Louisville KY 40222
Our Savior Lutheran School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
EIN 61-6009910
The Dream Foundation of Kentucky
8216 Limehouse Lane
Louisville KY 40220
The DREAM Foundation of Kentucky is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
EIN 61-1337802
*We will feature donor gifts of $10,000 and above with recognition
on our playground entry sign.